Wednesday, January 11, 2012

slacker rice pudding

it is a little embarrassing to even write this post up since its such a cheat, but it is a great quick dessert/breakfast/snack to be able to whip up, so here we go!

leftover cooked rice (i had abt 2 cups brown rice)
enough milk/soymilk/coconut milk to not quite cover the rice
1T sugar, maple syrup or agave
dash of cinnamon
1/2 tsp of pure vanilla extract

put the rice in a small pot and pour enough milk in to not quite cover the rice. add in the sugar and heat over medium heat until it simmers. simmer for about 10 minutes, add cinnamon and vanilla extract and stir well. add more sugar/cinnamon to taste. heat another minute or two and turn off stove. let sit 5-10 minutes and enjoy!

i had an overwhelming urge to soak some raisins in a little bourbon for 15 minutes but i couldn't find any raisins in the cupboard. next time!

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