Wednesday, August 24, 2011

who wants to buy me a fancy camera?

i have come to the conclusion that i need (want. need. want?) a digital slr (single lens reflex) camera. my trusty digital camera is great but in order to take better, brighter, truer photographs of food, i think i need a dslr. thats what all the cool kids with food blogs use.

i long to be one of the cool kids.

anyone have one they want to sell to me on the cheap?

this is the best pic i got out of the batch i shot tonight, and it's just meh. the light wasnt great since the sun was already down so that didnt help either. the burger looks grey when in fact in was delicious and perfectly cooked- pink and juicy inside and a lovely golden brown on the outside (high five, daniel!) and the special sauce looks kinda gross in these, too, but was tasty.

look at that big ass bun!

tonight we had bbq'ed burgers with amish gorgonzola (i picked it up at s & s produce, i had never seen amish cheese so i gave it a whirl. it was tasty) on toasted french hamburger buns and grilled zucchini. i whipped up a little special sauce and added that and a couple slices of yellow heirloom tomatoes to mine. daniel is a fan of neither of those things so they were mine, all mine.

*** why do i always forget that i can adjust photos on picasa??? the pic is edited and adjusted but i couldn't get the colors right. please bear with me while i get this photo thing right. this food blog is definitely a work in progress. thanks, anna, for the tips!


  1. I can't lie--a good digital SLR with a couple lenses does make a difference. But while you wait for that, so does good, diffused light; a tripod to avoid blur in lower-light situations like your first pic (can you mess with the shutter speed of your camera? or let the ISO a bit higher?); and a little Photoshopping (or other photo editing software).

    For the record, your pics make me hungry.

    And you are invited to a potluck. Bring lumpia. There may or may not be anyone else invited.


  2. i'm playing with the idea of taking a photography class, either at CARD or through butte, and then i will HAVE to buy a dslr right?!? a tri pod would be great in the meantime, i will start stalking craigslist, thanks for the tips!


  3. BTW--is that the Bon Appetit special sauce? I love it too, but Wolf just doesn't get it. What is up with the men?

  4. thats my quick special sauce- mayo, ketchup, splash of white wine vinegar, relish, salt. i'm going to make the bon appetit version next time, sounds delish. well, now we know that if we have a bbq together we'll just make the special sauce for us!
